Technical support

If you have any questions or suggestions, or you suppose the bug detected, you can contact support either at web form or by sending e-mail message to

If you have questions regarding screensaver purchase or activation, please, contact us at

We recommend to read F.A.Q. located below on this page – you may find answer on your question there much faster. The most common questions will be included in F.A.Q. Its latest edition is available on screensaver web site at

After sending your request you will get a confirmation message by e-mail immediately and we will respond you within one business day. Usually it takes from us no more than three hours. However, under unforeseen circumstance it may take us much time than in usual cases.

Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.)

  1. How do I set Gyrodrome Screensaver as my default screensaver? Open the Control Panel and run the "Display" applet. Switch there to "Screensaver" tab and choose the "Gyrodrome" from a list of screen savers installed on your system. Another way to open "Display" applet is to click with right mouse button on free space of your desktop. Then, select "Properties" item from context menu. To confirm default screensaver selection press the "OK" button. Details...
  2. How do I change Gyrodrome Screensaver settings? Open "Display" applet and switch to "Screensaver" tab. Select Gyrodrome Screensaver from a list of available screensavers and press the "Settings" button. Details...
  3. Gyrodrome Screensaver is very slow and animation is jerky. Make sure you have the latest version of drivers for your graphics card. Try to decrease resolution settings of the Gyrodrome Screensaver to "16 bits, 640x480", turn of reflections, decrease count of rings and decrease background image quality. Try to decrease FPS rate and disable screensaver operation on secondary monitors if you have more than one video display connected to your PC.
  4. Gyrodrome Screensaver cannot start – it shows me the error message. You need to install the latest Open GL drivers for your graphics card. The Radar Screensaver wont work if your graphics card does not support Open GL or has insufficient video memory (VRAM).
  5. How to manually start the Gyrodrome Screensaver? You may use the "Preview" button at "Screensaver" tab of the "Display" applet. Another way is to create an application shortcut for running the screensaver. Details...
  6. How can I save the image which Gyrodrome Screensaver produces? Press the "Print Screen" key while the screensaver is running. This will copy the image from the display into your clipboard and you will be able paste it in painting program for further saving, processing or printing.
  7. Why does the screen go blank after a while? You may have energy saving turned on your computer, which will turn the screen black. Check at the bottom of the "Screensaver" tab on your "Display" applet the "Power..." button.
  8. I think I have found a bug. What should I do? If you have found a bug, please get in touch with us at Gyrodrome Screensaver support page. Please include the following in your bug report:
    1. The version of the screensaver. See the "About" tab for the version number. Ensure, that you have the latest version – the bug might be already fixed;
    2. Platform you are running on (Win 98 or Win XP, for example);
    3. Graphics card model (GeForce 4 32Mb, for example);
    4. Any error message, if one was generated;
    5. A detailed description of how the problem occurred.
  9. I have ordered Gyrodrome Screensaver, but nothing happens. This may be result of anti-spam e-mail server tools activity or misspelled e-mail address on order form. Try to contact us again from another e-mail address or via support online form. We will contact you soon: we receive reports on each processed order.
  10. I enter my key code and Gyrodrome Screensaver says that activation failed. It would be better to use the "copy & paste" method while entering the code instead of typing it manually – misspelling is possible. If nothing helps, please, contact us. Details...
  11. I successfully activated the screensaver, but it still shows reminder window. Probably, the Gyrodrome Screensaver could not store your registration information into the Windows registry. Some kinds of software, like antiviruses, antispyware and even firewall tools may block parts of registry. Try disable them for the time of activation of the Gyrodrome Screensaver. Later, you may safely enable these tools again.
  12. How do I uninstall Gyrodrome Screensaver? It can be uninstalled as any other application. To uninstall the Gyrodrome Screensaver open the "Add/Remove Programs" applet from the Control Panel and find the "Gyrodrome Screensaver" item. Press a "remove" button and confirm uninstallation.
  13. Do you have versions available for Mac, Linux, OS/2, Win 3.1 etc? No, only Windows 98/ME/NT4/2000/XP/2003.
  14. Is Gyrodrome Screensaver available on diskettes or CD? Yes, you can add Gyrodrome Screensaver delivery on CD as an option to your order for additional fee.